Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hacking Ethical


Above all else, do no harm.

Do not damage computers or data if at all possible. Much like the key element of the Hippocratic Oath.

Hacking is a quest for knowledge; there is no intrinsic need or desire to destroy. But it is generally held that system-cracking for fun and exploration is ethically OK as long as the cracker commits no theft, vandalism, or breach of confidentiality. However, accidents and pranks that hackers view as harmless may cause the victims to lose time and effort.

Protect privacy.

This is typically reconciled with the free information ethos by separating public information from private. How the line is drawn is, of course, a question of personal (and political) views.

Waste not, want not.

Computer resources should not lie idle and wasted. Using idle time and perhaps leaving suggestions for improved performance is seen as a favor.

Exceed limitations.

"Telling a hacker something can´t be done, is a moral imperative for him to try."

The communicational imperative.

Communicating with and associating with peers is a fundamental human right. Some see it as strong enough to motivate violation of laws and regulations.

Leave no traces.

Keeping quiet about your exploits is not only for your protection. It also helps other hackers avoid getting caught or losing access.


Information increases in value by sharing it with other people. Data can be the basis for someone else´s learning; software can be improved collectively.

Fight cyber-tyranny.

Hacking is necessary to help protect the world from dystopian development of global information systems a la 1984.

Trust, but test.

By engaging hands-on with technical and social systems, your discoveries can contribute to improving the systems.

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